The pond turned out especially nice.

I used Woodland Scenics Water Effects to create what looks like water dropping from the raceway on to the water wheel and from the water wheel into the pit.

Both pulleys turn with the moving wench cable.

The water wheel is adjustable between 4 to 10 RPM.


The picture above is the module in place on my layout. Here I have begun to seal the ¼" to ½" wide gap between the module and my layout using 1¼" strips of kitchen type paper towels. Newspaper is a bit too stiff to conform to the irregular edges of the mountains, the paper towel strips in layers works very well.

The picture above is the opposite corner with grass flocking and road gravel on top of newspaper strips.
The module is finished and installed on my layout The following pictures show the module with the figures, trees and vehicles in place. The gaps around the module have been feathered out to blend with the surrounding scenery.


With this module finished this rest the the scenery of this side of my layout should go fast. I will start an on going post of the finish work of the scenery on Red Mountain. As part of the completion of this end of my layout will sand and stain the plywood sides.
Watch for the conclusion of Red Mountain coming soon.